NCS Audience with Parents/Guardians

You are invited to a zoom session aimed at parents/guardians of Year 11 and 12 students NOT yet signed up to NCS Summer 2021.

We would usually have had the opportunity to meet with several of you at parent’s evenings and events at the school – since this hasn’t been possible, we would love to give you the chance to hear all about NCS in this online forum. You will learn how to get your teen signed up to the programme and have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

NCS is a summer programme for young people aged 15 to 17. It is a government funded initiative available nationally. NCS is a great experience for young people, intended to build confidence, promote independency and provide a fun and safe environment for young people to develop their skills. Previous participants have commented that they have made friends for life and felt that they had gained experience to help them transition into further education or the world of work. To learn more, please join us for our online event which will take place on MONDAY 24TH MAY 2021 @ 5.30PM. Please follow the link below at the time of the event. The event will last approximately 40 minutes.

The Tees Valley NCS team are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Parents info session

Time: May 24, 2021 05:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 9672 6972
Passcode: 5FmveF