Dear Parent/ Carer

I hope that this letter finds you and your family well and that you are enjoying the summer break.

I take up the Headship at The English Martyrs Catholic School and Sixth Form College in September and have been working with the staff over the holidays to prepare for the new school year. It has been a privilege to work with such dedicated staff and to meet with such delightful students.

As you would have seen in the press all schools have been asked to offer students a lateral flow device test (LFD) before they begin the new academic year and a second test within 5 days. You have been asked to consent to this by completing a form which you can access via the link below.

Testing Consent Form

By consenting you are helping us to keep our community safe.

The testing schedule will necessitate a staggered start to the school term.

Year 11 students should attend school for their first test on the following day: Friday 3rd September

The time your child should attend is attached in the programme for testing below.

As Friday 3rd September is a PD day Year 11 students should come to school for their test only.

Year 11 students do not need to wear their uniform on this day. Once they have had their LFD test they can return home and be ready to start School/ College at 8.40am on Monday 6th September.

If your son/ daughter is unable to attend please advise the school office on and they will have their test rearranged.

Testing Schedule

Updated: 20/02/2023 80 KB

We have planned a programme of induction to the new school year so that students understand the lateral flow testing, any new Covid rules and are familiar with our high expectations. This involves more assemblies and increased Tutor time so that students are fully supported, emotionally and academically. Attached is a summary of useful information about attendance, uniform and conduct. 

Useful Information Document

Updated: 17/02/2023 39 KB

We understand that some students might need additional support with testing or with a return to school. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office be emailing

Yours sincerely
Sara Crawshaw