Dear Parent/Carer

On Thursday 25th November at 3.45pm, we are lucky to be able to offer our Y10-Y13 students, the opportunity to find out more about careers and pathways in STEM subjects at University and beyond. STEM subjects are Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

We will be linking up with Newcastle University for a virtual presentation that introduces students to the exciting world of STEM, including studying STEM at university and future career opportunities with case studies from Newcastle graduates.

This is a great opportunity for our students especially given the wide variety of STEM careers in our local area.

The presentation will take place in St. Anne’s Hall and start at 4.00 pm. Students will need to be here at 3:45pm. The presentation should continue until 4.45pm. There will also be a chance to talk to representatives from our Sixth Form College about how we can support your next steps.

If you’d like to come along please complete this online form to reserve your place.

Yours sincerely

Mr T Baker
Head of Science