Dear Parent/Carer 

As part of our ongoing support package that we offer to our students we intend to take your son/daughter to the UCAS Discovery Exhibition on Wednesday 4 May. We will leave college at 9.00am and return at 11.30am. The event brings together universities from across the UK to Teesside University. It will help your son/daughter to explore a wide range of academic and career opportunities open to them on completion of their sixth form studies. The visit will be held with no cost to students.  

Prior to attending the UCAS Exhibition students will attend a presentation, during a PPD session, from a local university outlining what to expect from the event and how to prepare in order to have the best experience.  

If you have not already done so, can I please ask you to complete the consent form which can be found online at . Without your consent, your son/daughter will be unable to attend any offsite trips.  

Your son/daughter has access to the year 12 careers team page where we continue to promote a wide range of activities. Please encourage your son/daughter to engage with programmes outside of their studies. This will help them when completing application forms, for university or employment, to demonstrate that they have a range of experiences in addition to their studies.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at the college. 

Beverley Scaife
Careers Advisor