Dear Parent/Carers of Year 10,

I would like to make you aware of our up and coming Y10 Careers events and activities.  These have been arranged to support your child’s careers research, planning and preparations.

Access to impartial careers information, direct knowledge of the different pathways, options and access to employers are an essential part of research.  As a result, we have arranged the following activities and events:

All students have been given a copy of the Tees Valley ‘Stay Local Go Far’ careers booklet.

All students are requested to complete a careers questionnaire.

FRIDAY 8th July                                             
College Experience Day

This day allows students to experience what a college environment is like.  The differences on how the subjects are delivered and the facilities available.  Students are NOT expected to wear school uniform for this day. 

Week commencing 20th June                   
Virtual Work Experience

During Virtues students will learn about the value of work experience and complete virtual work experience, developed by the Youth Employment social enterprise organisation.

Week commencing 18th July                     
CV Builder

During tutor time students will learn how to create a CV and its use and importance when applying for jobs and apprenticeship.

MONDAY 18th July                                     
Employers Fair         

Students meet a variety of different employers from different sectors. They find out more about the sector, careers and entry routes into those careers, and have the opportunity to ask questions and make business contacts with the employers.

TUESDAY 19th July                                        
Individual Mock Interview with a Business Ambassador

Students get to see what an interview is like, how to act and how to answer interview questions thoroughly and concisely.  The interviews take place in our 6th form offices and we have waiting rooms and a receptionist to greet students to keep the experience as authentic as possible.  This supportive experience allows students to practice their answers and interview techniques.

If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Ms Liddell
Head of Careers and Work-Related Learning