Dear Parent/ Carer

As we approach the summer holiday, I would like to thank you for your support for your children and for the school this year. Especially for the recent disruption due to the weather.

Students have shown enormous resilience and self-belief. They have embraced school life with enthusiasm and confidence. Many have taken part in enrichment opportunities, clubs, trips and competitions to further develop their skills and learning.

Thank you for encouraging their participation and for investing your time at parents’ evenings, information evenings, performances, and celebrations. This is very much appreciated and brings many benefits for our children.

A few reminders for the new academic Year 2022-23:

Students return on Tuesday 6th September and a reminder that new times for the school day are 8.45am – 3.15pm.

Our new school year will begin with assemblies for every year group where we will share our high expectations in relation to attendance, behaviour and learning. We are ambitious for our students and want them to achieve their full potential.

We know that the purchasing of uniform and equipment in preparation for September happens now so please refer to this reminder around our standards in relation to uniform: /parents/school-information/uniform

We will continue to send updates via the app over the summer and communicate any information on our website. If you need help downloading the app please follow this link: /parents/school-app

If you change your phone number or address, please do let us know so that you can be kept up to date with any messages.

We are a cashless school, and any payments (lunches/ trips etc) need to be made on Parent Pay. To access this please follow this link

You can find information on our website that outlines: the curriculum, behaviour expectations and school rules, uniform, Parent Pay etc. However, if you need more support, please do contact the school office which will be open regularly throughout the summer.

I would like to wish you a safe and happy summer.

Yours sincerely

Mrs S Crawshaw