Dear Parent/Carer,

As you may be aware your son/daughter is in the process of considering their options after sixth form.  Broadly they have three routes open to them; continuing their education, apprenticeships and employment. 

If your son/daughter has decided to continue with their education and is currently applying to university then they will have started to complete an online application form through UCAS (University and Colleges Admissions Service).  Similarly if they are considering apprenticeships or employment then they need to be undertaking extensive research and accessing support offered to them in college.

On Thursday 22nd September we will be hosting a futures information evening where you will be able to find out more about the options open to your son/daughter.  A number of specialist staff will be on hand to offer advice as well as the member of the 6th form team.

The evening will begin at 5.00pm in the Sixth Form Common Room.  We will have a representative from Durham University who will deliver a short presentation on the financial help available for students in Higher Education.  This presentation will look at the national package of support offered by Student Finance England, regardless of where your son/daughter intends to study. 

Whilst your son/daughter is welcome to come along, they have already heard the presentations that will be delivered to you on the evening. 

May I ask you to confirm your attendance by completing the form on this link:

If you are unable to attend the event but would like to discuss life after sixth form in further detail then please do not hesitate to email me directly: lhenderson@ems.bhcet, or our specialist sixth form Careers Advisor, Beverley Scaife:

Yours faithfully

Mrs L Henderson
Director of Sixth Form