Dear parents/ carers of students in Year 8,

As we come to the end of this term and the year, we wanted to share with you what a brilliant start to Year 8 students have made.

Year 8 have shown incredible enthusiasm for learning in the classroom. They have embraced enrichment and wider opportunities with real commitment. Year 8 have in total been awarded 20,688 achievement points. 32 Year 8 students have attended school everyday and 132 students have attended 95% or more of the time this year.

As a year group they have bought such joy to the school. Every day, they demonstrate the school virtues of respect and responsibility, justice and compassion, self-belief and resilience and confidence and honesty.

Year 8 have shown great character and determination since September. We had a great contribution from our year group within the school production of Oliver, and many great sporting achievements including the girls' Athletics team qualifying for the Tees Valley Finals and the girl's dodgeball team being crowned town champions. The outstanding artwork being produced in lessons by the students displays amazing skill. It is great to see so many students attending enrichment activities throughout all elements of school.

We are very proud of all o Year 8, and we wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs R Wilson - Pastoral Manager of Year 8