Dear Parent/Carer,

I would like to invite you to attend our Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 5th January, 15:45pm – 18:00pm in the main school building.

This evening will give you an opportunity to speak with staff about individual student progress and strategies that students can use to improve further. If you do want to discuss anything more than time allows on the evening, you can make arrangements for this with individual teachers.

We will be joined by a variety of Higher and Further Education organisations on the evening who will be happy to answer specific questions you may have about future pathways.

Our Careers Team will also be present, but just a reminder that they are always available to offer advice and guidance, should you or your child need it. They can be contacted on: and I am always available via email or by calling school 01429 273790.

Yours faithfully, 

Mr M Blackwood
Pastoral Leader for Year 11