Dear Parent/Carer
Shortly we intend to take all Year 10 GCSE Geography students on a field visit to collect information for their Paper 3 exam in June 2022. The Geographical Application section of the exam contributes 30% of the total marks for the Geography GCSE. Class teachers will advise students which day their class will be going on the trip.
The dates for the visits:
Tuesday 29th June Mr Nicholson 10D/G1 & Mrs Martindale 10D/G2
Wednesday 30th June Mr Spoors 10C/G1 & Mr Frettsome 10C/G2
Thursday 1st July Mr Spoors 10A/G1 & Mr Nicholson 10B/G1
The visit is compulsory for all GCSE Geography students and will be to the coast at Seaham. The aim of the visit is to investigate both human and physical aspects of Geography in the field. Your son/daughter will also be able to develop skills such as field-sketching and data collection.
The coach will depart from school at approximately 9.15am and return before 3.00 pm. Students must wear clothing and footwear suitable for outdoor activities and the possibility of inclement weather. Wellington boots are ideal for the group activities on the beach. The students should also bring a small back pack, pens and pencils, packed lunch and water to drink.
The nature of the day means that at times, your son/daughter will be working at the water’s edge. They may also be working on Seaham Front in groups without direct supervision. Impeccable behaviour will be expected at all times.
The Geography Department is asking for a voluntary contribution of £5.00 for the visit. We ask that all payments are paid through the Parentpay system. You can log into Parentpay at www.parentpay.co.uk using your unique login and password. If you have any problems with Parentpay, please contact Miss Tait at finance@ems.bhcet.org.uk for help making sure you include your child’s name, D.O.B and form group in the email. If paying this contribution is a concern please contact me at school in confidence and we will make an alternative arrangement to fund a place for your child.
Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to a successful visit. Please do not hesitate to contact me at school if you have any queries regarding this matter.
Mrs A Martindale