Our school uniform is an important expression of our pride in ourselves as a school and we expect all students to be in correct uniform. Teacher time spent challenging uniform detracts from our principal purpose of teaching and learning. The details for the school uniform for September are set out below.
We have a cost-effective, smart uniform that must be consistently worn by all of our student body.
We have a range of ties at EMS. Each features two sets of red stripes and two stripes that represent the House your child is in. Please ensure you buy the right tie when purchasing uniform. If your child is chosen to be a prefect (end of Year 10), they will be given a new tie as shown below.
As the school tie will feature the House colours, all blazers purchased from our Uniform Supplier will only have the school badge embroidered on the pocket. Students are welcome to wear the older style blazer and these will be phased out in time.
Once you know your child’s/children’s house, you can order uniform.
Log onto www.trutexdirect.com and register using our schools’ LEA code: LEA01006SC. This will take you to the English Martyrs school uniform page, where you can see all items of our school uniform. The site is secure and orders can be placed quickly and safely, direct with Trutex. Alternatively, you can order from Trutex Direct by phone, call 01200 421206.
The brochure contains a detailed size guide so parents can measure children at home, also items can be returned and exchanged should they have difficulties once they arrive directly via Trutex.
Order your uniform by Friday 1st August to guarantee delivery for September 2025
Fancy a 10% Discount on your next uniform purchase from Trutex?
We have a recycle bin in the main school office for old uniform. The steps are simple.
- Head to https://trutex.com/reform-returns and create your return
- Visit us in school reception with your old school uniform.
- Pop it in a bag (we have them in the office) and write your Postcode and House Number on it.
- We'll pop it in the box and once collected, you'll receive a 10% discount code from Trutex.
Our second uniform partner is Michael Sehgal & Sons. You can order from them on the following link https://www.michaelsehgal.co.uk/schools/the-english-martyrs-catholic-school-and-sixth-form-college/
Call us at 0191 230 2320
Email sales@michaelsehgal.co.uk
Visit our store - book an appointment on our website
More information can be found in their leaflet: Click here to view it
Main School Uniform
The regulation uniform is as follows, items in bold are compulsory items to be bought from Trutex:
- White School Shirt (cotton or polyester/cotton)
- EMS School Tie
- Black Trousers (not jeans)
- Black Skirt (A‐line, flared or pleated of a knee-length) to be worn with plain opaque black
tights. (Skirts with front or side splits must not be worn) - EMS Black Blazer with Embroidered Badge
- Formal Plain Black School Shoes
- Anorak or Coat (no denim jackets, tracksuit tops or hoodies)
English Martyrs School School Jumper is optional
P.E. Kit
The PE Kit is as follows:
- Long-sleeved reversible top with house colours
- Short-Sleeved red/black T‐shirt
- Plain black shorts (not cycling shorts) – A small logo is permitted on shorts but otherwise must be plain
- Black football socks
- Trainers (appropriate for sport)
- Bobble for long hair
Optional PE Kit includes:
- Football boots
- Base Layers (red or black)
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms or sports legging – A small logo is permitted but otherwise must be plain
Below is an example of acceptable school trousers |
Below is an example of unacceptable school trousers |
Coats and Jackets
Coats should be an appropriate outdoor coat. No sweatshirts, hooded tops, cardigans, tracksuit tops or denim jackets. See examples below.
Below are some examples of acceptable outdoor coats to be worn over school uniform;
Below are examples of some outdoor clothing which are not coats and contravene school uniform;
We will insist that all students wear formal plain black shoes. This means the type of shoe one would wear to an interview, or other formal occasions rather than those designed to look like trainers. We have a guide of acceptable shoes in conjunction with Wynsors.
Below are some examples of acceptable school shoes;
Below are some examples of unacceptable school footwear (boots and trainers are not shoes);
Hairstyles are expected to be reasonable with no obvious artificial colouring. Hairstyles incorporating shapes/patterns/stripes or lines are not acceptable. Any student attending with an unacceptable hairstyle will be unable to access lessons in the normal way until this has been attended to.
Similar action will be taken with regards to shaved eyebrows, body piercing and tattoos. Students must be clean‐shaven unless for reasons of religious observance.
Students may wear one small stud in each ear lobe. Students may wear one small stud in each ear lobe. The School does will not take responsibility for loss or damage to items of jewellery.
The wearing of make‐up, nail varnish and false nails is not permitted.
We believe that adherence to school rules regarding uniform is critical to reinforcing our high standards for behaviour.
We rely on parents/ carers supporting these standards. If a student comes to school in non-compliant uniform, we will contact parents/ carers to bring about resolution.