Who can I contact to get help?
Students can access a virtual assembly about this via their Form Tutor
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Team – Mr. Lindsay, Mrs. Corcoran, Mrs. Torka and Mrs. Anderson
- Curriculum and Teaching and Learning - Mrs. Savage
- Exams– Mr. Rogers
- Setting, Timetabling and Assessment - Mr. Walker
- Reading – Mr. Jones
- Pupil Premium - Miss. Swales
- Vulnerable Students - Mrs. Corcoran
- Gifted and Talented Mrs. Savage
- Trips and Visits – Mr. Rogers
- Attendance- Mr. Lindsay
- Mental Health and Well Being and Anti-Bullying –Mr. Gray
- On-Line Safety - Mr. McLintock
- Virtues and Rewards – Mr. Gray
- Behaviour and Attitudes - Mr. Nicholson
- Medical and Health and Safety - Mr. Nicholson
- SEND – Mrs. White (SENDCO) and Mrs. Spears (Assistant SENDCO)
- Sixth Form - Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Edmundson
- MCAS App- Mr. Hope
- IT Support - Mr. Hope or Mr Wilson
Please also remember students can contact
- Their form tutor
- Their Pastoral Leader
- Their Academic Pastoral Leader
- Any Curriculum Leader with regard to a subject