Dear Year 13,
It is with a heavy heart that I write to you to tell you that our plans to celebrate you leaving can now no longer go ahead due to the extended restrictions. We proposed these plans in good faith and are beyond disappointed that we are having to communicate their cancellation to you in this way.
In terms of the liturgy, because you would be coming into school and this would be governed by the rules for communal worship, the guidance dictates that we would have to insist on social distancing and would only be able to be in groups of 6 in a venue large enough to ensure this, which just isn’t possible. We feel that this, along with the fact we couldn’t sing or interact in the normal way, really deflects from the whole point of the day – which is to come together in celebration and fun.
To add to this disappointment, we are unable to go ahead with our booking at the Staincliffe or even a celebration in college for similar reasons (social distancing, limits to numbers, no music / singing).
I cannot begin to tell you how sad the Sixth Form Team and the rest of the staff are about this – many of whom had planned to join us at the celebration. We wanted to give you the send- off you deserved and feel as frustrated as you will that Covid has prevented yet another important event in your journey with us from going ahead.
We are asking that you to continue to send your contributions / photos for the Yearbook which we want to give to you as a gift / free of charge when you come to collect your results in the summer. We will also be sending you a small token to mark how proud we are of each and every one of you, your efforts and your hard work during these unprecedented times. You will always be a very special year group and one we will hold close to our hearts forever.
I look forward to seeing you on results day and we will communicate information about this with you in due course.
With every best wish,
Mrs Hogarth and the Sixth Form Team