Dear Students
Despite the challenges you have faced in recent months and the unusual way in which your A Level, Vocational qualification(s) and GCSE grades have been arrived at, we are determined to celebrate your results with you and to provide you with as much help, support and guidance as we can to ensure that your journey to the next phase in your life is as smooth as possible.
We are planning our results days under the assumption that there will be no change in social distancing guidance before August. Accordingly, we have arranged a system that has health, safety and the welfare of our students and staff at its core.
YEAR 13 – results are available from school from 08:30 am on Tuesday 10 August 2021
Students whose surname begins:
- A-G collect from Sports Hall using the rear entrance of the main school building;
- H-M collect from main school Dining Hall using the side (Astro) entrance;
- N-Z collect from St Anne’s Hall using the main entrance to the main building.
Staff will be available to provide support with destinations and they will be located in the Sixth Form building.
YEAR 11 – results are available from school from 08:30 am on Thursday 12 August 2021
Students whose surname begins:
- A-D collect from Sports Hall using the rear entrance of the main school building;
- E-O collect from main school Dining Hall using the side (Astro) entrance;
- P-Z collect from St Anne’s Hall using the main entrance to the main building.
All students who have applied have been sent a pre-arranged ‘Enrolment into EMS6’ appointment time. If you wish to arrange an appointment to speak to the Sixth Form team or did not receive an enrolment slot, please email ems6@ems.bhcet.org.uk .
Students not attending school for results days
It is important to note that the A Level/GCSE results information belongs to the student and therefore we are legally bound to obtain the permission of the student to disclose/provide their results to another party, including parents.
If a student requires their results via email they (the student themselves) is required to email mharris@ems.bhcet.org.uk stating the email address that they require their results sending to.
Please note that due to the additional administration involved in collating the information, there may be a short delay in sending the results.
If a representative is collecting the results on behalf of the student, for example a family member or friend they should bring with them a letter of authorisation signed by the student – or the student can email mharris@ems.bhcet.org.uk in advance to authorise a named representative.
Example: Letter of authorisation
‘I authorise my parent (Mrs A N Other) to collect my (student name) results on my behalf, signed and dated by student).
The Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust has determined that no members of staff are able to communicate the Teacher Assessed Grades with students or parents. These can be made available from the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the Trust. Details of how to contact the DPO and the process to follow will be made available on each results day.
I know that you have been more adversely affected than most as a result of the pandemic, but I’m hoping that August will provide us with an opportunity to celebrate together and to look forward in hope to much better times and the promise of new beginnings.
Until we see each other, stay safe, take care and God bless.
Stephen Hammond