Dear Parent/Carer,
We would like to start by saying a massive thank you. Thank you for your patience, kindness and understanding.
The way that your children conducted themselves throughout last week was nothing but amazing. Students have been very excited to be part of ‘EMS Summer School 2021’, which was witnessed across this difficult week, and for students to be told to self-isolate (In some cases just after an hour arriving on Monday morning!) was truly heart breaking. This is something we did not want to happen. However, the decisions that were made were taken completely out of our hands. The safety of your children and our staff is something that must come first.
We cannot wait to see the students on Monday 6th September. We will have staff to greet the students at the front of the school (Sixth Form Building area) from 8:30am and we will take them all to St Anne’s for a welcome assembly. There will be a programme for the day which will include introductions, expectations and tasks such as covid-testing and catering registrations.
Have a lovely summer break. Stay safe. Look out for one another.
Yours sincerely,
Mr M Hutchinson – Year 7 Pastoral manager
Mrs K Spears – Assistant SENDco & Summer School Coordinator