![Image of Letter to Parents of students starting Year 13 in September](https://files.schudio.com/the-english-martyrs-catholic-school-and-sixth-form/images/Letterheads/LetterheadWebDec23.png)
Dear Parents/Carers
I hope that you have had a good summer. I am delighted to welcome your child back into year 13 which promises to be a very busy and fulfilling one!
As we prepare for a new year at EMS6, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of some important information for September. Term starts Tuesday 6th September at 8.45
Our year will begin with an assembly in the college common room to welcome all year 12 and 13 students. I will share our expectations for life in year 13 and make clear students’ priorities in the weeks and months ahead. After assembly students will spend time in their tutor groups getting their timetables and lessons will begin after morning break at 11.20
Internal / Prep. Examinations
Year 13: Week commencing 9th January 2023
Year 13 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 9th February 2023
Careers Information
The college has an excellent Careers Team with specialist staff employed to support students’ future aspirations. Mrs Scaife is our Sixth Form Specialist Careers Advisor. Students can book one-to-one appointments with Mrs Scaife to discuss their next steps and we actively advertise any upcoming opportunities, including apprenticeships, work experience and volunteering roles. Careers related learning is embedded within our programme of ‘Personal and Professional Development’ and we have good links to the DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) who offer a ‘pop up’ drop in once a half term. Students are given extensive support when applying to university, for apprenticeships or employment and we support students with ‘mock’ interviews as part of their application preparation.
University applications
15th October for receipt at UCAS of applications to universities of Cambridge or Oxford and applications for medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine/science.
26th January for all other courses/universities.
However, the sooner the application is sent to UCAS the sooner offers are received; one student last year had received all of her offers by the end of October. Years of experience has shown us that it is better to complete the form early then students can concentrate all of their efforts on achieving the necessary grades.
Due to the above, our college deadlines are as follows:
30th September for applications to universities of Cambridge or Oxford and applications for medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine/science.
31st October for all other courses/universities
Financial Support
May I also take this opportunity to remind you that if your household income is less than £26,000 you are entitled to access financial support from the16-19 bursary fund. Please see the information on our website or on this link: https://ems6.bhcet.org.uk/financial-support/
Please note that if you are entitled to this support, this must applied for annually as it does not automatically carry forward from year 12 to year 13.
We are very proud of our students and thank you for your support. I very much look forward to meeting you at our Year 13 Parent Information evening on Thursday 22nd September.
If you have any questions about your child’s A level courses, their progress or life at EMS6, please do not hesitate to contact me: lhenderson@ems.bhcet.org.uk.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L Henderson
Director of Sixth Form