Dear Parent/ Carer,
This letter is for the attention of Parents/ Carers who use St Anne’s Car Park (Front Car Park) to drop-off or collect their children.
Despite messages to request safe and courteous driving and parking on English Martyrs premises there are still instances of careless and unsafe driving. As you will appreciate, we all must ensure our children are safe.
I have consulted with the local authority, the Bishop Hogarth Trust and Parents’ Forum.
In the first instance we are promoting an EMS Parking Pledge to encourage parents/ carers not to use St Anne’s car park.
We will also be installing speed bumps to reduce the speed limit to 5MPH.
St Anne’s car park should only be used in exceptional circumstances by parents/ carers.
In the event of needing to use the car park we ask that all cars are reverse parked into an empty parking bay. If there are no bays available, do not double park and wait for your child. There cannot be any parking outside of parking bays in the centre of the carpark even for short periods.
If you park on public roads please do so legally, safely, showing consideration to neighbours.
We will keep the parking situation under review and rely on your support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Crawshaw