Dear Parents/ Carers
I hope that you have had a good summer.
As we prepare for the new school year, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of some important information for September. Term starts Tuesday 5th September 8.40am with the school day ending at 3.15pm.
Our new school year will begin with welcome back assemblies. These assemblies will reinforce our high expectations in relation to attendance, behaviour and learning. Year 10 is an exciting year where excellent attendance, effort and attitude bring many lifelong rewards.
Year 10 will have a full programme of Mastery classes that students will be expected to attend so that they can do their very best in the first year of their GCSE and vocational courses. The timetable will be shared with parents and students in the first fortnight of the new term.
There continues to be many enrichment activities that students can embrace including a range of sports, arts, music, science, reading and language clubs as well as leadership and wider opportunities. Please encourage your child to get involved when the new term starts. After school enrichment will begin on the Monday 11th September. The timetable will be shared via the app.
Attached are some important dates for your diary and some key reminders.
Thank you for your support in encouraging your child/ children to work hard and to attend school every day.
If you need more support, please do contact the school office.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Crawshaw
Key Reminders
Unless a student is ill, they must attend school every day. Where possible please arrange any routine appointments outside of school time. Students who have good attendance achieve more in their GCSE and vocational courses.
Reporting Absence
If your child is ill and off school, please let us know as soon as possible. Either ring school and choose Option 1 or alternatively, send us a message in the MCAS app and let us know using the Messages tab.
Students must wear full school uniform. This includes a tie and formal shoes. Students should not wear jewellery; only a small pair of stud earrings and a watch are allowed. Please refer to this reminder around our standards in relation uniform: Uniform/. Trainers, false nails and false eyelashes are not permitted.
Prohibited items
Vapes, chewing gum and fizzy/ energy drinks are not allowed on the school site. Mobile phones should be switched off and not used at any point of the school day or on site. If you need to contact your child or they need to contact you, this will be done through the school office or by the Pastoral Leader.
MCAS app
It is very important that we can share with you information about your child and our platform for sharing key information and updates is via the school app. Please download the app ‘My Child at School’ from the app store/play store and register. If your email address matches our system, it will sync and show you your child.
This app is also used to purchase items, pay for trips/visits, top up dinner money and will be the only app we use from September. MyEd is now turned off. If you need any help – please email shope@ems.bhcet.org.uk and he will be happy to help.
Year 10 support
Mr Blackwood is the Pastoral Leader for Year 10, if you need support or advice, please contact him and he can help or direct your enquiry.
Free School Meals We appreciate that families are facing increased costs and if you feel you are eligible you can apply for Free School Meals by following this link Free School Meals – Information – apply | HBC Online (achieveservice.com)
Key Dates
Tuesday 5th September – Students return to school after the Summer
Thursday 14th September – Year 10 Information Evening
Thursday 9th November – Sixth Form Open Evening 1
Friday 24th November – Key Task 3 (Module 1) completed by this date
Friday 15th March – Key Task 3 (Module 2) completed by this date
Thursday 21st March – Sixth Form Open Evening 2
Thursday 25th April – Year 10 Meet the Teacher Evening
w/c Monday 24th June-w/c Monday 1st July – Year 10 Preparation Assessments