Dear Parent / Guardian,
The way Year 11 conducted themselves during the course of their Prep Exams was incredible. We are so proud of their approach, commitment and maturity.
On the 15th December we will be having a ‘Results Morning’ in school for students so we can continue with the ‘mock’ experience. This will involve a ‘Celebration Assembly’ after which students will have time with their form tutors to look at results and reflect on their performance and experience. Results will be sent to parents via the MCAS app following this results morning. If you do not have access to the app, it is important that you contact school asap for support. Please ask for Mr Hope.
We are sensitive to the needs of our students and will look to support them with care, compassion and kindness during this process. If you have any concerns, please get in touch with Miss Taylor, Pastoral Leader.
Ofqual have released a student guide in relation to examinations for 2024. Please follow the link to access: Ofqual’s Student Guide for 2023/24. It contains important information about the 2024 grading process, access arrangements, malpractice and reviews of marking. Malpractice penalties have increased significantly since the pandemic, specifically students taking mobile phones or watches into the exam hall (but not necessarily looking at them). When we conduct Prep Exams, we ensure students know and follow the strict rules that Ofqual insists upon. We want our students to become accustomed to how the logistics and rules around examinations operate – and understand fully the implications of breaking any of those rules.
Furthermore, there is a consultation ongoing, led by the Department for Education, proposing that enhanced formulae and equation sheets continue to be made available into summer 2024 in GCSE maths, combined science and physics. Once we know the result of this consultation, we will be sure to send you an update.
I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that the Year 11 ‘Meet the Teacher Evening’ is on January 18th 2024 where you will have the opportunity to meet with individual subject teachers. We will send more details after Christmas but please save the date.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Mrs C Hogarth
Deputy Headteacher