Dear Parent/Carer,

I am delighted to invite your child to our online tutoring sessions for English provided by Pearson to support your child’s transition to GCSE exams.

As providers of qualifications and resources from ages 5-19, Pearson are in a unique position to provide high-quality tuition from qualified UK-based teachers, experienced in teaching the National Curriculum and trained in online tutoring. Pearson’s tutors will work closely with your child’s teacher to understand the key areas that would most benefit them through Tutoring and feedback about your child’s progress is provided to us after each session. Your child can also leave their feedback after each session, too.

Your child will take part in 15 online tutoring sessions (this includes 13 hours of teaching as well as a 30-minute intro and final review) delivered via Bramble’s platform, Pearson’s partner in online tuition. Bramble’s cutting-edge technology allows both tutors and students to talk, sketch and share resources in real-time, across devices so it really feels like they're in the same room. Your child and their teacher will also have the facility in this platform to revisit all sessions they have attended should they chose to. Have a look at the Student Walkthrough video on the platform.

To find out more about Pearson’s tutoring programme and some of the benefits of small group tutoring, follow the link to Pearson's website.

Should you require any reassurance regarding your child accessing online tutoring, please be assured that Pearson have a very robust recruitment process for their teachers and all sessions are recorded. You can also access their Safeguarding Policy which is freely available on the Pearson tutoring website.

Sessions will take place in school from 3:30pm until 4:30pm each Tuesday in the ICT rooms beginning on Tuesday 12th December.

Students are expected to attend all sessions unless they are unable to through circumstances beyond their control. They are expected to behave as they would in a lesson during the school day. Students who do not attend regularly or do not behave to the expected standard may be replaced with another student.

Please complete the form found here to give permission for your child to take part:

Please do get in contact with us should you have any questions on the programme or accessing the sessions from your home.

Craig Barnes (Lead practitioner)
Lucy Hannah (Senior Assistant Headteacher)