Dear Parent/Carer
Year 11 Gifted and Talented Revision Day – Wednesday 27th March 2024
We are delighted to inform you that your child had been selected to take part in the Year 11 Gifted and Talented Revision Day here at English Martyrs on Wednesday 27th March.
The day will see your child being joined by a cohort from our fellow trust schools of St Michael’s, Billingham and Our Lady and St Bede, Stockton to complete revision of core topics, aiming at the highest GCSE grades.
Your child will not attend normal lessons and instead will attend lessons in our Sixth Form building RE, English, Maths and Science instead, led by excellent subject practitioners from across the trust.
Your child will have the privilege of using the Sixth Form Bistro, which they will be able to pay for in the usual way and will attend in full school uniform.
We hope that the benefit of such a focused session supports and enriches your child’s revision prior to the Easter break
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Rogers
Deputy Head