Dear Parents and Carers
As we journey through Holy Week and prepare for the Easter holiday, I would like to share with you some highlights from this Term and some useful links and dates for your calendars.
Holy Week
This week we have marked Holy Week in school and had student and staff liturgies. The Sacred Paschal Triduum Services at The Holy Family for Holy Week can be found using this link: https://holyfamilyhartlepool.org/news/
Monitoring Visit
We are proud to share the very positive outcome from a recent Ofsted visit which highlights the many 'improvements that have been made since the previous inspection'. You can read the full report here: https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50243146
Exceptional Effort
We have seen exceptional effort in the classroom and students taking part in a host of clubs and trips. 167,301 positive achievement points have been awarded this academic year and students continue to demonstrate exceptional character. Students in Year 7, 8 and 9 have recently taken part in a Virtues Morning where they have had the opportunity to reflect on our school values of Justice and Compassion, Honesty and Self Belief, Respect and Responsibility, Confidence and Resilience.
Key Stage 4 and 5 students have worked with resilience and focus to prepare for upcoming external examinations. We could not be more proud of each and every student- well done. Exam timetables, additional resources to support revision and digital versions of the Knowledge Organisers are on our website: https://ems.bhcet.org.uk/parents/year-groups/year-11.
Thank you for your support and commitment to your child’s education and ensuring that students are prepared for school and attend every day. A reminder of the fantastic enrichment offer we have in place is here https://ems.bhcet.org.uk/enrichment-activities-and-clubs this continues when we return after the Easter break.
We are working hard to ensure all children attend school every day and value your support in promoting 100% attendance. If you need support with your child’s school attendance, please contact our attendance team attendance@ems.bhcet.org.uk
It is very important that we can share with you information about your child and our platform for sharing key information and updates is via the school app. Please download the app ‘My Child at School’ from the app store/play store and register. If your email address matches our system, it will sync and show you your child.
This app is also used to purchase items, pay for trips/visits, top up dinner money, progress reviews & more. A weekly Achievement/Behaviour report is now sent out on a Friday.
If you can’t get logged on, please email Mr Hope - shope@ems.bhcet.org.uk and he will be able to help.
We love to highlight the fantastic work that happens in each school term, which is all wrapped up in our wonderful Newsletters. Here are some links for you to read them at your leisure.
School Newsletter
Art & Design Newsletter
Literacy Newsletter
Key Dates
- Good Friday (March 29th) school closes for Easter and reopens on Monday 15th April.
- Thursday 25th April – Year 10 Meet the Teacher Evening
- Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday
- Tuesday 7th May – Year 11 Exams begin
- Thursday 9th May – Year 8 Meet the Teacher Evening
- Friday 10th May – Key Task 1 Deadline
- Friday 7th June – Key Task 2 Deadline
- w/c 24th June-Friday 5th July – Year 10 and Year 12 Prep Exams
- Thursday 17th June – Year 13 Leavers Evening
- Thursday 4th July – Year 11 Prom
- Friday 5th July – Key Task 3 Deadline
- w/c 8th July – Year 12 Work Experience
- Thursday 11th July – Year 6 Parents Information Evening
We wish you and your family a joyful Easter.
Kind Regards
Mrs S Crawshaw