Dear Parent / Carer,

As we approach the month of May and the start of the GCSE examinations I write with a reminder of the key information to support all Year 11 students at this important time.

We continue to be impressed with the Year 11 students maturity and resilience. They are a wonderful year group who are a credit to you and your family.

Below are links to resources/ letters we have previously shared that are useful to have at hand:

  • Revision Leaflet for Parents
  • Year 11 Key Information
  • Letter to Year 11: Revision & Exams

I would like to highlight the following

  • Revision sessions will be offered by subject experts on the morning or afternoon immediately preceding an exam
  • Revision sessions will be offered before and after school
  • Information both of these sessions will be provided on a weekly basis via the app
  • From May 13th Year 11 students have the option to leave the school site at 14.15 (or when their exam finishes) to continue with their own personal revision at home, or students can stay on site to revise independently in one of our designated quiet rooms until 15.15 and stay for any after school sessions. This will allow them to access support from their timetabled teachers.

We look forward to marking the end of the Year 11 journey at EMS, on Friday 24th May, by celebrating with a leavers liturgy. By this time we have been assured that the hoodies, if ordered will be ready for collection. On this day we will dismiss students at 12.20, unless they wish to stay and revise.

Thank you for your ongoing support

Yours sincerely

Mrs C Hogarth - Deputy Headteacher
Mr T Rogers - Deputy Headteacher
Miss L Taylor – Pastoral Leader Year 11