Dear Parent/Carer

Thank you for all of your support for your child as they approach the halfway stage of their GCSE and other level 2 qualifications.

As the end of Year 10 approaches the Year 10 Prep examinations will take place in the fortnight commencing Monday 17th June. Please find attached the examination timetable for the Year group.  Timetable

Next week Year 10 will have an assembly outlining the importance of the examinations, sharing key dates for Year 10 Prep exams and making sure students are aware of the range of support available throughout Year 10 moving into Year 11.

The Year 10 Prep exams will take place in the Sports Hall and other examination venues that will be used for the public examinations in Year 11 to build up the students confidence in the formal exam setting, unless other exam arrangements are in place.

Both the students and yourselves will receive the results before the Summer break and this will inform curriculum planning for the following year to enable your child the best chance to succeed.

Kind Regards

Mr T Rogers
Deputy Headteacher