Dear Parents/ Carers, 

I hope that you have had a good summer. 

Enclosed is some important information for September. Term starts Tuesday 3rd September 8.40am with the school day ending at 3.15pm. On arrival to school, students should go directly to their Form room. Students need to bring essential equipment on their first day: a school bag, pens and pencils and a reading book.  Students will be given a school planner and a timetable that they need to use and have with them every day. Parents and carers are asked to check and sign the planner every week.  

Our new school year will begin with assemblies for every year group where we will share our high expectations in relation to attendance, behaviour, and learning. We are all ambitious for our children and we want them to achieve their full potential. Assemblies will continue to encourage students to ‘Get involved and try their best.’ 

Year 11 is an exciting and important year where excellent attendance, effort and attitude bring many lifelong rewards. Achievement and behaviour points will be taken into consideration for students’ ‘Passport to the Prom’.  

Your child has had some bridging work to complete over the summer and this will need to be handed in to class teachers to support preparation for the final year of GCSE and vocational courses. Year 11 will also have a full programme of revision - during lunchtimes and after 3.30pm. We expect students to attend these sessions so that they can maximise their potential. It is vital that, from the very start of the year students, are engaged in all learning opportunities – inside and outside of the classroom. These additional learning opportunities play a key role in students achieving their ultimate potential. More information on the programme for this will be shared with parents and students in the first few weeks of the new term.  

We also have a full programme of enrichment activities that students can embrace including a range of sports, arts, music, science, reading and language clubs as well as leadership and wider opportunities. Please encourage your child to get involved when the new term starts. Enrichment will begin on the Monday 9th September. The timetable will be shared via the app. 

Below this letter are some important dates for your diary and some key reminders. 

We are very proud of our students and thank you for your support in encouraging your child to work hard and to attend school every day. 

If you need more support, please contact the school office who will be able to direct your query to the appropriate member of staff. 

Yours sincerely, 

Mrs Hogarth 
Head of School 

Key Reminders 

We know that students who attend more achieve more, and we have an Attendance Team who support students and families to ensure excellent attendance to school. This team will diligently follow up absences and work with you to ensure your child attends school. Unless a student is ill, they must attend school every day. Routine appointments should be arranged outside of school time and letters / appointment cards should be provided if absence if unavoidable due to an appointment during school hours.  

Reporting Absence 
If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness, please let us know as soon as possible. Either ring school and choose Option 1 or, alternatively, send us a message in the MCAS app and let us know using the Messages tab. 

Students must wear full school uniform. This includes a tie and formal shoes. Students should not wear jewellery; only a small pair of stud earrings and a watch are allowed. Please refer to this link as a reminder around our standards in relation to uniform:  Uniform. Trainers, false nails and false eyelashes are not permitted. 

Prohibited items 
Vapes, chewing gum and fizzy/ energy drinks are not allowed on the school site. Mobile phones should be switched off and not used at any point of the school day or on site beyond the ‘Green Gates’ at the front of school. If you need to contact your child or they need to contact you, this will be done through the school office or by the Pastoral Leader. 

MCAS App  
It is very important that we can share with you information about your child and our platform for sharing key information and updates is via the school app.   

We highly recommend checking that the app is functioning for you now, so you are ready to go for September. See our handy MCAS support page on the website for help. 

If you are having issues with the app, please get in touch with and he will support as soon as he can.   

We have specialist staff ready to support your child with achieving their potential.  

Mr Blackwood is the Pastoral Leader for Year 11 and Mrs Sweeting is the Academic Pastoral Leader. These members of staff play an important role in the journey of the students in terms of supporting them inside and outside of the classroom. 

Please contact the school office if you feel you or your child needs support. The school office is best placed to direct your query to the most appropriate member of staff, so you receive the right advice and support in a timely manner. 

Free School Meals  
We appreciate that families are facing increased costs and if you feel you are eligible you can apply for Free School Meals by following this link 

Key Dates 
Tuesday 3rd September – Students return to school after the Summer 
Tuesday 10th September – Year 11 individual school photographs 
Thursday 17th October – Year 11 Information Evening 
Thursday 7th November – EMS6 Open Evening 
Monday 11th November-Friday 22nd November – Y11 Prep assessments 
Friday 22nd November – Key Task 3 (Module 1) completed by this date 
Thursday 9th January – Year 11 Meet the Teacher Evening 
Thursday 20th February – EMS6 Open Evening 
Monday 3rd March-Friday 14th March - Y11 Prep assessments 
Friday 14th March – Key Task 3 (Module 2) completed by this date 
Monday 12th May (approx) Examinations begin 
Thursday 3rd July - Prom 

Term dates for 2024/25, which shows holidays and PD Days can be found on our website here: