Dear Parents/Carers,

As we welcome students back to school for this new academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you with some essential information for our ‘Virtues’ programme for the year ahead.

Each student in Y7-11 has a timetabled Virtues lesson. Key Stage 3 students receive one lesson per week and Key Stage 4 students have one lesson per fortnight.

You may well have already read the information on the Virtues curriculum which can be found on our website. This details the course and what students will learn.

Part of the Virtues programme includes Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) lessons which became statutory for all schools during the last academic year. As a school, we will be delivering these lessons using a number of external educational programmes. These include: The Ten:Ten theatre company’s provision which meets the statutory requirements and is recommended by the Catholic Education Service (CES).

Ten:Ten have kindly created a parental portal which will enable parents/carers to access the lesson materials in advance, and to further assist the learning of children in the home environment. The information can be found at:-

Username: opp-em-25
Password: rse-parent-brown

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss or withdraw consent for the Relationships, Sex and Health Education (Ten:Ten)aspect of the virtues programme.

We will be commencing delivery of the Ten:Ten lessons from 30/09/2024.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr A. Gray
Assistant Headteacher