Dear parent/carer,

I am delighted to invite your child to be part of the Oxford University Catalyst Project. This is a project run by Oxford University for a select group of schools and students to give them access and experience of one of the world’s best universities.

Your child has been selected by teachers at English Martyrs as one of the most academically gifted in year 8 and we would love them to be involved.

On Tuesday October 22nd outreach representatives from St Catherine’s College Oxford will be delivering the first stage of the project at St Michael’s School in Billingham. The session will take place from 1pm until 3pm. We will be leaving school at 12:30pm and hope to return by 3:30pm. Students will have the opportunity to eat lunch before we leave. There is no cost associated with this trip.

Following this there will be an opportunity in year 10 for students to attend a residential at Oxford University where they will be able to tour and sample the world class facilities there.

If you would like you child to participate in this project please complete this form:

If you have any further questions please contact me via email on

Kind regards,
Craig Barnes