Dear Parent/Carer,  

I would like to take this opportunity to specifically thank all of the students in Year 11 for their hard work in this long term, including their successful completion of the Prep Exams in November and their outstanding participation in Mastery sessions. 

In school today, Year 11 have had an assembly outlining the Passport to Prom conditions, we have shared key dates for the second suite of Prep Exams and final exams and introduced our Period 6 offer. 

Period 6 
As we build towards the Summer Public Examination period, we will be inviting all of Year 11 to attend an additional period of learning on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from January until the start of the summer exams. 

These will commence upon our return in January, will finish at 1615 and take place as follows; 








Our Curriculum Leads are planning the sessions and Year 11 will be escorted to the sessions at the end of Period 5. 

It is evidenced from years of Mastery provision at EMS that greater attendance at such sessions results in better outcomes in the summer  examinations and we would appreciate your support in encouraging your child to attend these sessions. 

Should this cause your family an issue, please contact Mrs Sweeting or Mr Blackwood in the first instance. 

In addition to this, the Mastery program, in relation to other subject areas, will be adjusted to support this provision. We will inform you of these changes in due course. 

Passport to Prom  
I would like to remind you that the 2025 Prom is at Hardwick Hall on Thursday 3rd July and further details will follow.  

Students must demonstrate good behaviour during their time in Year 11 in order to be able to attend the Prom. In the event of poor behaviour, a student may forfeit their eligibility to attend the Prom. In the event of one suspension and/or a student being in our Isolation centre on 2 or more occasions from 1st January to the end of the school year a student will not be allowed to attend the Prom. Parents will be informed, and Prom tickets will not be issued. If a ticket has been purchased, a refund will be granted.  

We reward good behaviour and students are clear about our expectations. Students can use Achievement Points to buy soft drinks at the Prom and students can be entered into draws to win free Prom tickets as recognition of effort and high standards.  


Meet the Teacher Evening 
I would also like to invite you to attend our Year 11 ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening on  Thursday 9th January, 1545 – 1800.  

This evening will give you an opportunity to speak with staff about individual student progress and strategies that students can use to improve further. If you do want to discuss anything more than time allows on the evening, you can make arrangements for this with individual teachers.  

No registration or booking of appointments is required for the event. We would ask that you make a note of your child’s teachers, so you know who you need to see. These can also be found on the timetable for your child in the app.  

Students are not required to attend the evening, however, they may do so if they wish.  

Key Dates  

  • EMS6 Open Evening – Thursday 20th February; 4-6pm 

  • Prep Exams – Monday 3rd March 2025-Friday 14th March 2025​ 

  • Course Work Deadlines – Shared by departments ​, no later than Friday 11th April 2025 

  • GCSE examination window – Friday 9th May – 20th June 2025 

  • Class of 2025 Liturgy and Shirt Signing – Friday 23rd May 2025 

  • Exam Contingency Day – Wednesday 25th June 2025 

  • Prom – Thursday 3rd July 2025 

  • GCSE Results Day & EMS6 Enrolment – Thursday 21st August 2025 


We are here to support you and your child and you can email us: 

  • Mr M Blackwood– Pastoral Leader for Year 11 – 

  • Mrs E Sweeting- Academic Pastoral Leader for Year 11 - 

or contact us by calling school on 01429 273790 regarding any of the information in this letter. 

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to wish all Year 11 students, parents, carers and families a Happy and Holy Christmas. 

Yours Faithfully,

Mr T Rogers 
Deputy Headteacher