Dear Parent/Carer,
The Government categorises pupils whose attendance is 90% or less as Persistent Absentees (PA). Your child’s attendance is currently below 95% which puts them at risk of becoming a Persistent Absentee. Pupils in this category are missing a significant amount of their education and research shows that they are at great risk of achieving lower grades than those with higher levels of attendance at school.
It is the legal responsibility of the child’s parent or carer to ensure the child accesses their education daily.
Where a pupil’s attendance is below 90% - it is the equivalent of missing 19 days of school which is nearly 4 weeks per year.
Where a pupil’s attendance is below 80% - it is the equivalent of missing 38 days of school which is nearly 8 weeks per year.
If your child’s yearly attendance averages 80% then over 5 school years this would result in them missing 1 whole school year.
If your child is struggling to attend due to additional needs such as anxiety, depression or an ongoing health care problem please contact Mrs White (SENDCo) to request a SEND support plan. We are keen to support parents and students with attendance and make reasonable adjustments to support you and your child. Early intervention is a key process to avoiding poor school attendance and we are keen to support.
If you have any questions or need support, please contact If you have any questions or need support, please contact School Reception on 01429 273790.
Yours sincerely,
Mr N Lindsay
Director of Pastoral Care