Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to inform you of upcoming exciting events for your child as part of our partnership with Oxford University.
In year 8 your child took part in Point 1 of the Catalyst Programme led by St Catherine’s College, Oxford.
In year 10 they have the opportunity to take part in Point 2 which will be held in school on the afternoon of Tuesday April 1st, and Point 3 which is a residential visit to Oxford University staying at St Catherine’s College from Tuesday 8th to Wednesday 9th July.
Further information regarding timings and a schedule for the residential will follow in due course.
In addition to this letter I have included a letter from St Catherine’s College about the HEAT system they use for recording data.
Please can you complete the online form here to for data consent and photograph consent? If you do not wish data to be used or photographs taken this will not affect your child’s ability to participate in any way.
There is no cost associated with the afternoon session on April 1st or the residential visit, it is all funded by Oxford University.
If you have any questions at all please get in touch with me via email
Kind regards,
Craig Barnes