Dear Parent/Carer 

This afternoon we reminded all students about the high expectations that we hold for them here at English Martyrs. These expectations enable us to support your child in becoming the best they can be. Working together with you as parents/carers we can live the school motto ‘Per unitatem virtus’ meaning ‘Strength through Unity’ so that we can positively shape the futures of our young people so that they can shape the world of tomorrow. 

We have specifically emphasized our expectations around your child:  

  • Coming equipped to school, which includes bringing a pen and a reading book (Year 7, 8 and 9 students) to every lesson. 

  • Removing their outdoor coats when they are inside so they can be ready to learn. 

  • Moving to lessons in a punctual manner.  

We will be relentless in upholding these high expectations and we thank you for your continued support.  

Should you have any questions or queries please contact your child’s Pastoral Lead in the first instance 

Thanks for your ongoing support. 

Mr T Rogers 
Deputy Headteacher