Dear Parent/ Carer,
Thank you for all of your support for your child during their exams.
Students have approached their GCSEs with real maturity and dedication. We are very proud of them.
Some key dates for the last weeks of Year 11:
Thursday 23rd June (Physics) is the last exam GCSE exam for most students.
On the afternoon of the 23rd we have planned to celebrate with Year 11. We will have activities to mark their time in school and a final Leaver’s Liturgy.
During the afternoon students can get their school shirts signed, year books and collect and wear their Hoodies. The day will end at 3pm as normal.
Friday 24th June is the last day for Year 11. Year 11 students will leave at 1pm.
During the morning Year 11 will take part in workshops and have some fun activities. School uniform must be worn but students can wear their hoodies instead of blazers if they choose to.
Thursday 14th July Year 11 Prom will be taking place on 14th July 2022 at Hardwick Hall Sedgefield. Students can arrive at Hardwick Hall from 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Students will not be able to enter Hardwick Hall before 6:30pm and must be collected no later than 11.15pm
Thursday 25th August. GCSE Results Day. Results will be available from the Sixth Form building from 08:30 am –12.00 noon.
In the event of a student not being able to collect their results or for further information about results please email mharris@ems.bhcet.org.uk
Students will be able to enrol into EMS 6 on GSCE results day. There will be an opportunity to enrol immediately after collection of results, without an appointment, should you wish to do so. Students who have already applied to the college will receive an appointment time for Thursday 18th or Friday 19th August. If there are any issues with the appointment time you receive, please contact Mrs Henderson at lhenderson@ems.bhcet.org.uk
Kind wishes
Mrs S Crawshaw