EMS6 Transition Days – Monday 4th July and Tuesday 5th July 2022
We would like to invite any Year 11 student to the EMS6 Transition events which will take place over a number of days in July.
On Monday 4 July we look forward to welcoming you into college 8.40am where you will take part in a number of subject taster sessions. In preparation for the day, we would like to prepare a personalised timetable for you. Please complete the form on the link below by Monday 20th June to enable us to organise this. There are 8 option blocks on the form but please do not feel that you need to choose a subject from each block– you can choose only those subjects which you feel you are interested in / would like to experience.
The day will cover:
- A general introduction to the sixth form
- Subject sessions led by sixth form specialists and the opportunity to ask questions
- An opportunity to discuss your subject choices with staff to ensure that you are guided onto the courses most appropriate to your needs
- The chance to speak to current and past sixth form students
- A drop-in session with specialist careers staff
The following day we are holding a series of workshops that will help you to develop valuable life skills that will compliment your studies and will give you a flavour of the enrichment courses that we offer. You will also listen to election speeches from our aspiring head students and be able to vote for your preferred candidates – this is an excellent opportunity to help you shape the future of EMS6. We will finish the day with a BBQ where you will be able to meet current year 12 students and key staff.
We very much look forward to meeting you on the transition days which will help you to make an informed choice for September.
If for some reason you cannot attend the transition events but do still intend on coming to the college in September, please let us know by emailing bscaife@ems.bhcet.org.uk.
We look forward to meeting with you on Monday 4th July 2022.