Dear Parent/Carer,
Students in year 10 are going to be on work experience on Thursday 11th July and Friday 12th July 2024.
Work experience gives students the chance to learn about what type of job they might enjoy, and develop their CV. We know it can be one of the most transformational experiences young people have during their education.
Students (and their families) should try to source their own work experience placements. The careers guidance team will do their best to find placements for any students who have been unable to find their own, but we will have limited places. Students without offsite work experience must come to school as normal.
We are using Unifrog (www.unifrog.org) to coordinate work experience programme. This includes collecting information from the employer about their Risk Assessment and Health & Safety policy, as well as getting agreement from yourselves for the placement to go ahead.
Some important information:
- All students have access to their own Unifrog account, if they have forgotten their password this is easily changed by logging on to https://www.unifrog.org/sign-in and clicking ‘Reset password/resend welcome email’. Please log in ASAP in case of any issues.
- Students need to agree the placement with the employer first, and then students will get the ball rolling by adding the placement to their Unifrog account (they’ll find the Placements tool on their Unifrog homepage). Deadline 9th February to make contact with a placement
- The Unifrog system will then email the employer, the parent / guardian, and the school, to collect the necessary information and permissions. For the process to work, it’s essential that students add the initial information about the placement accurately and by 28th March.
Finding out more:
- Unifrog have created a set of guides about placements which you can find here.
- Within this set of guides, this is the best one to start with (it includes a short animation of how the whole process works).
- We recommend looking at this, because it includes advice on how to find a placement.
Next steps:
- Please read the placement guides on Unifrog, and then start contacting possible hosts for the placement by Friday 9th February
- We will be hosting a Parent information session on Thursday 21st March at 5pm, afterwards the careers team will be on hand to help with any questions and queries you may have
- If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Mrs Russell or Mrs Mincher at EMS-Careers@ems.bhcet.org.uk at your earliest convenience, before 28th March 2024.
We wish you the best of luck with supporting your child to find a placement. Please do make use of Unifrog’s guides help you.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs K Mincher
Careers Lead