Dear Parent/Carer,
As we approach National Apprenticeship Week and Student Volunteering Week it is an opportune time to write to you to outline our intentions and expectations regarding work experience for Year 12 students in the summer term.
On Monday students attended an assembly in college and this information was shared with them as well as how to access and maximise Unifrog resources which will be invaluable in the weeks and months ahead.
A period of work experience relating to a student’s A level courses or a potential university course is a valuable addition to any application portfolio, be it an apprenticeship, university or a job application.
At EMS6 we expect every student in Year 12 to complete a one week work experience placement and have allocated the week beginning 15th July for this. Students will have completed their Year 12 exams and will be able to commit themselves fully to a placement which, I hope, they will find a rewarding and valuable experience.
Students will be given time and support in college to source their work experience placement and we strongly encourage them to source their own placement as this will provide students with essential skills when seeking employment.
With this in mind, if you are in a position to offer a student, or more than one student a placement from Monday 15th – Friday 19th July, please contact me: lhenderson@ems.bhcet.org.uk or our sixth form careers adviser Bev Scaife; bscaife@ems.bhcet.org.uk
We are keen to build professional links with businesses in the town and welcome opportunities to expand our network of contacts for the benefit of our young people.
Upon allocation of a work experience placement, students will be asked to complete a form outlining details of their placement following this, we will ensure the necessary checks and risk assessments are in place with the employer.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Mrs L Henderson
Head of 6th Form