Dear parent/carer,
The Shine residential visit to York University on Wednesday March 27th and Thursday March 28th is quickly approaching.
Students are to arrive at school by 7:45am on Wednesday March 27th to be registered before getting on the coach to York. We plan to leave York to arrive back at school for 5:30pm on Thursday March 28th.
Students do not need to wear school uniform for the residential. They should bring appropriate clothes and footwear for walking around the university campus, and any necessary toiletries.
Food and snacks will be provided for the two days but your child may wish to bring some additional items with them.
Mobile phones are encouraged and are occasionally used in some sessions. Students should avoid bringing any other expensive electricals or clothing.
Please complete the form here with emergency contacts and any medical or dietary requirements: https://forms.office.com/e/cKcqL0ctyL
There will be an opportunity to attend a Residential Insight Evening from 6pm-7pm on Monday 11th March. The Shine Team have contacted you already concerning this but if you would like to attend and have misplaced the details the meeting link is: https://york-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/93780734108?pwd=VTBUVzdveFBiNHRXdWtYN1M1eUVqQT09 and the passcode is: 496603
If you have any questions at all about the programme please do not hesitate contact me via email cbarnes@ems.bhcet.org.
Kind regards,
Craig Barnes
(Lead practitioner)