Dear Parent / Carer,
We are absolutely delighted with the focus, commitment and maturity Year 11 have demonstrated as we approach their final GCSE examinations. We continue to be impressed by their resilience, the mutual support they show one another, and their spirit.
Please see below some important information for the coming weeks and months.
Current Revision Offer:
Mastery continues for students until the start of the exam period at lunchtimes and after school. All students are encouraged to attend so they can benefit from focused revision sessions led by subject specialists. The latest timetable can be found here: https://ems.bhcet.org.uk/enrichment-activities-and-clubs.
The Easter holidays offer an excellent opportunity for students to immerse themselves in revision and our dedicated teaching staff are keen to support students with this. There are tailored revision sessions available for students: https://ems.bhcet.org.uk/news/2024-03-06-easter-revision-2024
We are currently compiling a ‘Year 11 Essential Revision’ pack, including examination timetables, which will be distributed to students and links will be sent to you electronically via the Parent App prior to the Easter holidays to help support focused revision.
Year 11 Revision Materials:
Effective revision is a key cornerstone of exam success, and the next few weeks and months are crucial. You can find a range of useful resources on our website: Year 11 | The English Martyrs Catholic School and Sixth Form College (bhcet.org.uk). This page includes materials we have shared throughout the year and reminders of revision techniques we regularly share with students. If students need support with organising revision or additional revision materials, they should approach class teachers, their Form Tutor or any of the Senior Leadership Team will also be happy to support.
Revision During Exam Season:
We have high expectations of student attendance and will continue to do so during the summer exam season. Students will be expected to attend all timetabled sessions as normal when not in a scheduled examination. Our Revision Plan includes, where possible, timetabled, subject specific and teacher led revision sessions on the morning or afternoon immediately preceding an exam. Afternoon revision sessions will take place for the duration of Lesson 4 (13.15 – 14.15).
All students have the option to leave the school site at 14.15 (or when their exam finishes) to continue with their own personal revision at home, equally students can stay on site to revise independently in one of our designated quiet rooms until 15.15 and stay for any after school sessions. This will allow them to access support from their timetabled teachers.
During exams, Mastery will be replaced with revision sessions offered on a morning and after school. A programme for this will follow after the Easter holidays.
If you have any queries about Year 11 Revision, please contact Mr Rogers, Deputy Headteacher on trogers@ems.bhcet.org.uk.
GCSE examinations bring with them lots of different emotions which vary from student to student. We recognise that this can be a challenging time for students and families for many reasons, and we want to support students in terms of their mental and emotional health by offering and reminding you about the following additional opportunities:
Kooth for Children & Young People - Kooth plc
An online service which offers access to anonymous and personalised mental health support for Children and Young People. Please access the link above to find out more, or contact us as school if you need any help and advice.
The Headspace:
The Headspace is a designated room (Room 1.38 from 12.30pm every lunchtime) designed as a ‘drop-in’ area for students to chat to our mental wellbeing team who are all youth mental health first aiders.
Students can come any lunch time to discuss any thoughts and feelings and receive advice, tips and coping strategies.
Use of the Sixth Form Library:
The Sixth Form Library is open to Year 11 students before and after school for use as a quiet space to study. There is a library, computers, comfortable seating areas and work booths which Year 11 can use. There is some capacity for students to use the Sixth Form Library on a lunchtime. Mrs Henderson, Miss Taylor, Mrs Hannah and Mrs Hogarth can provide more information about this to students should they wish to take advantage of this offer.
We have a number of celebration opportunities planned for students to mark the end of their time with us in Year 11. On Friday 24th May, students will be involved in a Leavers’ Liturgy. Students and Form Tutors will take time to reflect upon their ‘EMS journey’ and there will be a chance to sign shirts, share positive messages and enjoy an ice cream together. All students will leave at 12.20 to commence their half term break. Prom is an exciting and much anticipated event and I want to take this opportunity to remind you of the key information and arrangements in relation to Prom https://ems.bhcet.org.uk/news/2024-02-22-passport-to-prom
GCSEs are important but they are in no way a measure of the value of any student. We could not be prouder of Year 11 at EMS, and we have high hopes for their futures. With this in mind, a reminder that on Thursday 21st March, 4-6pm we another Sixth Form Open Evening. Please come along and find out more or email Mrs Henderson on lhenderson@ems.bhcet.org.uk.
GCSE examination results will be ready to collect Thursday 22nd August between 08.30 and 10.30 in the Sixth Form building. Students can enrol into our Sixth Form as soon as they have collected their results.
If you need any further support, please contact Miss Taylor (ltaylor@ems.bhcet.org.uk) who will be glad to assist.
With every best wish.
Mrs C Hogarth - Deputy Headteacher
Mr T Rogers - Deputy Headteacher
Miss L Taylor - Pastoral Leader Year 11