Dear Parent/Carer
I am delighted to inform you that The English Martyrs Catholic School and Sixth Form College Year 11 Prom will be taking place on Thursday 4th July 2024 at Hardwick Hall Sedgefield.
Students can arrive at Hardwick Hall from 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Students will not be able to enter Hardwick Hall before 6:30pm.
An evening buffet will be served at 7:30pm. If your child has any dietary requirements please contact prom@ems.bhcet.org.uk. The buffet will be followed by a disco. Pick up from 10.30pm for an 11pm finish.
Prom tickets are priced at £40.00 per student.
All payments for prom items should be made via MCAS.
Payment Plan:
Prom Ticket: £40 to be paid as one sum or in smaller instalments no later than 31st May 2023. This is a non-refundable purchase.
We are excited to offer this to our Year 11 students as a privilege for hard work, good behaviour and good attendance. Prom tickets may be revoked without refund if a student does not maintain these expectations.
In the event of poor behaviour, a student may forfeit their eligibility to attend the Prom. In the event of a suspension or a student being in St Peter’s on 2 or more occasions (from 21st February to 4th July 2024) a student will not be allowed to attend the Prom. Parents will be informed, and Prom tickets will not be issued. If a ticket has been purchased, a refund will be discretionary.
If you have any concerns or wish to discuss any aspect of the above, please email prom@ems.bhcet.org.uk or contact Miss Taylor, Pastoral Leader for Year 11 – ltaylor@ems.bhcet.org.uk
Yours sincerely
Miss L Taylor
Pastoral Leader for Year 11