Dear Parent/Guardian,
Geography GCSE Revision and Adventure Weekend: Friday 26th - Saturday 27th April 2024.
This weekend is aimed at assisting your child’s revision for their Geography GCSE examinations. We will be staying at the Weardale Adventure Centre, Bishop Auckland. We will depart from school on Friday afternoon on the 26th April and will return to school at approximately 3pm on Saturday 27th April.
The cost of the weekend is either:
· £50 per student without gorge walking activity or,
· £80 per student including the gorge walking activity.
This price includes all activities, tuition, workshops, transportation, accommodation and all meals.
The method of payment is through the MCAS App system with your unique login and password. Please contact Finance at Finance@ems.bhcet.org.uk or 01429 273790 if you need assistance with making a payment. To make payment easier we have broken the costs down in instalments to support parents and carers.
To secure a place on the trip we politely request the first payment of £30 for all students by Friday 15th March.
Another and final payment by Friday 12th April:
· £20 per student without gorge walking activity or
· £50 per student including the gorge walking activity.
We will be leaving school after lunch on the Friday to minimize disruption to other learning, heading straight for The High Force Waterfall where we will commence the revision activities.
If your child would like to attend this revision weekend, please complete the consent form attached and return it to their Geography teacher as soon as possible. We do have limited spaces and students attending will be on a first come first served basis. Due to the nature of the Adventure Activities on offer, it is expected that all students attending will have impeccable behaviour. We will share more details with students and parents nearer to the time.
If you have any other questions about this weekend, or you son/daughter’s progress in general, please do not hesitate to contact us at school.
Please be aware that we also have GCSE revision guides on sale at a discounted price of £5. These can be purchased through MCAS app. Geography Mastery is on Wednesdays at 12.40-1.10pm and 3.20-4pm
With best wishes,
Mrs A Martindale.
CL Geography.