Dear Parents/Carers,

We are excited to invite your child to the English Martyrs Sixth Form College Taster Day on Friday 5th July 2024. This event provides an excellent opportunity for students to explore the A Level pathway for their future education and career.

The Taster Day is designed to give students first-hand experience of college life and the variety of courses available. This event is a chance to tour the college facilities to familiarise students with the environment.

Throughout the day, students will participate in a range of subject taster sessions and will gain an insight into different courses and the skills they will develop. Students can choose five taster sessions from a wide range of subjects, to gain an understanding of what it would be like to study them in sixth form. Please compete this form with your child so that an individualised timetable can be prepared for them -

We believe this Taster Day will be an invaluable experience for your child, helping them make informed decisions about their further education. We encourage all students to attend and take full advantage of this opportunity.

The day will start at 8.40am in the Common Room with an overview of what it is like to be an EMS6 student. They will hear about the extracurricular opportunities and fantastic support that EMS6 offer. Throughout the day students will be given the opportunity to spend social time in the Common Room and have lunch in our dedicated sixth form area. They can have lunch in the bistro using the same payment method as in school, bring a packed lunch or use the facilities in main school. Please note, no students will be permitted off site for lunch. The day will end at 3.15pm. This is a non-uniform event.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs K Mincher
Careers Lead