Dear Parents/Carers,

To celebrate and recognise the hardwork and commitment that our students have demonstrated towards their studies, we have arranged a celebration wellness walk for our year 12 students.

This will take place on the afternoon of Friday 12th July. Students will be accompanied by their form tutors and members of the sixth form team. We have organised a coach from college to Seaton Carew Clock Tower.

As a group, we will walk along the beach, tide permitting, to Newburn Bridge and back again, alternatively we will walk along the promenade. We will then have food from a fish and chip shop in Seaton Carew. Students will be able to select a meal of their choosing and we will enjoy them outside. Students will then make their own way home from Seaton Carew.

The whole visit is free of charge to students as we have received funding from Northumbria University. We have great links with the University and we regularly welcome them into college to support students with their next steps. They too have recognised the commitment from our students and have kindly sponsored the trip.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the college.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs L Henderson
Director of Sixth Form