Dear parent/carer,
I am writing to inform you that your child will be sitting their GCSE French speaking exam during the week commencing the 7th April 2025. This exam will form 25% of their overall GCSE grade. Each student will be given an individual time slot and will leave their lesson to complete their exam with their class teacher.
In preparation for the exam, students will sit a speaking PREP exam between 18th and 25th March. Students have already been given their individual times for this.
We are also wanting to support as much as possible with revision:
· After the half term, Mastery will be held during lunchtimes on Tuesdays and Thursdays in 0.05 and on Fridays after school, also in 0.05.
· All students have a speaking and writing booklet in which they can prepare answers to the questions they will be asked in the general conversation element of the exam – it would be greatly appreciated if parents/carers could support by asking their child the questions (in French or in English) so that students can practise responding in French.
· All students have a role play and photocard booklet in which they can practise exam-style questions.
· On Monday 7th April, we will be holding an in-school revision session to prepare students for their exam later in the week.
Should you require any further information please contact me at school.
Yours sincerely,
Miss L Williamson